creating agents of change today
Located in Hughesville, Maryland TEML is a Non-profit Organization that teaches Leadership, Self-Development, and Life Skills to youth. As Mentors, we use critical thinking to encourage others to change and adopt positive behaviors, which begin by promoting a changed perspective from that of a fixed mindset to one of a growth mindset.
TEML has been serving various institutions for over 2 years and prides itself on providing invested mentorship to today's youth and young adults to reduce juvenile delinquency rates, promote growth, and enhance long-term personal and professional well-being. The company consistently works to expand its client base and currently serves various Local, State, and Federal agencies in the state of Maryland.
Internally and externally focused, TEML supports its clients and employees with individualized attention and merit-based advancement. This is done through frequent performance reviews, data analysis, long-term employment considerations, internal promotions, flexible work schedule options, volunteerism, scholarships, networking, and leadership opportunities. Although this fashion has served the company well (and has built a widely recognized and dependable brand), the group has recently seen a need to increase its membership and volunteers, due to competition with the everchanging economy and the Internet of Things (IoT).
To find out more about Who We are and What we Do,
Click the Link Below
our Purpose
Turn ‘EM Loose is a non-profit organization that strives to motivate others to unlock their potential; inspiring them to become the best version of themselves, through education, self-development, and enlightenment. It is our purpose to develop individuals into effective leaders. Through various programs (like our MISTER & MISSES Self-Leadership curriculum), we will address problem areas in youth that contribute to low self-esteem and self-regulation, poor communication, conflict resolution, and decision-making skill. Those issues that could lead to juvenile delinquency, homelessness, poor academic achievement, and even loss of life. We believe that once key issues have been addressed and eliminated, the overall productivity level of youth who utilize our services will increase, thereby changing the trajectory of their lives toward a more promising future.
we believe that...
thoughts become words
words become actions
actions become habits.
If you think it, speak it;
If you speak it, do it;
If you do it, be true to it.
Let your actions become fluid.
Michael Russell
Inspired by ~Lao Tzu
The principle's of Transformational Leadership reflect our ability to first become transformational individuals by engaging in self-reflection, developing a growth mindset, and actively seeking opportunities for personal growth. Thus, WE BELIEVE that the formula
T² + L² + C²=R²
reflects a critical element for Transcendent Living as it embodies the ideals which encourages us to be open to new experiences and perspectives, taking calculated risks, and being willing to challenge the status quo. Ultimately, transformational individuals strive to make a positive impact on the world around them and inspire others to do the same. Thus, WE BELIEVE that
one's overall health and well-being hinges on our ability to operate under a banner of
Trust & Truth, Loyalty & Love, and Compassion & Commitment,
which will elicit
Respect in Relationships.
~ Transforming the Self First, Inherently Changes the World Around Us ~
At TEML, we are committed to strengthening and expanding our business through determined relationships, technology, long-lasting partnerships, and a customer-first mentality.
It is our mission to be problem solvers, promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in our daily work with stakeholders on all levels. We aim to provide personable and professional interactions with our clients, as well as efficiency, effectiveness, and timeliness for all projects and encounters.
It is our Mission to set ambitious goals and strive to meet them. We nurture excellence by recognizing and rewarding the progress and success of both individuals and teams. We look ahead, but take time to give back, devoting reverence to those who have paved the way for our successes.
It is our mission to teach others the values we hold dear; values that embrace truth, trust, love, loyalty, compassion, commitment, respect for relationships to promote Transformational Leadership and Transcendent Living. These values guide all of the external and internal business relationships, projects, and strategic decisions in our company. We are guided by our core beliefs, as they drive our decisions and how we operate, because we always strive for improvement. We recognize that our success depends on both individuals and teamwork, thus, our environment should be collaborative, supportive, and empathetic.
“Creating agents of change today,
to build future leaders of tomorrow”
We envision a world where youth are taught at a young age the importance of resiliency and self-leadership. We believe that what the bible (Proverbs 29:18) says is true concerning vision; understanding that “Without vision, the people Perish.” Thus, our vision for TEML is to Teach [resiliency], Educate, Motivate, and [develop] Leaders and agents of change, by affecting the hearts and minds of those who are wanting and willing to be the change that the world desperately needs. We envision a world where we are united by a common ability to self-actualize through a growth mindset, where potential is unlocked, and our capabilities are limitless!
“When you lock your excuses, you unlock your limitlessness.”
~ Hiral Nagda
The overall agenda of Team TEML, while slightly different in context individually, all aligns together to create a dynamic organizational construct that takes into consideration all facets of human development which hinder and contributes to one’s ability to self-actualize. As such, it is our goal to create and implement opportunities for community outreach, helping our neighbors in whatever way we can.
It is also our goal to engage the community by providing life skills training needed to overcome adversity. Thus, Team TEML believes that by participating in our MISTER & MISSES program, internal barriers to success may be addressed and resolved.
Lastly, it is our goal to advocate for misfortunate youth, who are considered or labeled "AT RISK" . We believe that many children of society, simply need to know that they have someone in their corner who will listen to them, and who will care enough to show them the right way to go. While many parents do all they can to be that light that kids need, we understand that sometimes, additional help is needed. As such, We want to become Part of Your Village. Helping you to help your child overcome the obstacles that have become barriers to their success.
Therefore, our goal is to develop the hearts and minds of all youth; especially "at-risk" youth, by enrolling them in our MISTER & MISSES PROGRAM; teaching them our Evidence-Based Self-Leadership Curriculum.
Recently, Turn 'EM Loose Corporation partnered with the Maryland Juvenile Department of Justice Services to bring Evidence-Based Instruction to youth in custody. The concepts taught will encourage youth to develop a growth mindset while utilizing self-regulatory strategies to overcome behaviors indicative of poor problem-solving and decision-making skills. If you know someone who could truly benefit from the quality services that our organization has to offer, then please reach out to us today.